Reporting Scams | von Keller Foundation
Empowering Communities.

Reporting Scams.

The purpose of this site is to provide information and tools for reporting possible illegal, unethical, or improper conduct, as outlined in the Corporation’s Code of Conduct. Use of this site is voluntary and those who report illegal or improper conduct will be protected from retaliation.

Reporting Options.

If you think an employee or partner (such as a grantee or contractor) of the Corporation may have violated our Code of Conduct, you may discuss the issue directly with the person or people involved, a foundation people manager, or a member of the Corporation’s Human Resources, Legal, and Risk Management teams.

If direct discussions do not resolve the matter or are not possible, you can speak to any of the following individuals, who are familiar, and committed to ensuring compliance, with the Corporation’s Code of Conduct:

If you feel you cannot discuss the matter with anyone at the Corporation external legal counsel, or you may submit a report to Human Resources Department.


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How We Work.

In some countries, regulations restrict how a service may be used to report concerns. For example, local laws may:

Limit the topic of concern to certain areas of compliance such as anti-bribery, auditing and accounting, banking, and financial matters Prohibit anonymous reports

Disallow reports concerning foundation personnel except employees in key or management functions

Accordingly, the foundation may be limited in its ability to respond to a report submitted through our company depending on the country of your location or where the reported conduct took place. 

Code of Conduct.


The purpose of this code is to create an organization where we are all proud to work because each of us acts with integrity, abides by the highest ethical standards, and ensures a foundation-wide culture of respectful behavior and good stewardship.


This code applies to foundation employees and any external individual or entity (e.g., contingent worker, consultant, vendor) who provides goods or services or performs activities for the foundation.

POLICYvYou are expected to act with integrity and honesty, be fair and respectful to colleagues and partners, follow the law, ensure disciplined stewardship of the foundation’s assets, and hold one another accountable.


You must go beyond simply obeying the laws governing our work. Act honestly, be trustworthy and treat others fairly. If confronted with a questionable situation, take action to protect the foundation’s reputation.


The foundation’s global work means that you will encounter people of every background and experience. Acknowledge these differences, and endeavor to create an inclusive environment and treat everyone with dignity and respect. This principle of fairness extends to every part of your work for the foundation, including hiring, promotions and working with grantees, partners and others.


The Corporation’s policies provide the basis for this code. Corporation’s policies address serious matters, and you are required to uphold and use them to guide your conduct and day-to-day work.


If you believe a colleague, grantee, vendor or other third party has engaged in inappropriate behavior, action or inaction in relation to Corporation activities, promptly bring the situation to the attention of your manager, Legal, Human Resources, Assurance, an anonymous reporting service or the foundation’s outside legal counsel.

The Corporation is committed to protecting whistleblowers. Responders will treat a report of unethical or illegal conduct as confidential in a manner consistent with the need to investigate and prevent or correct the action. If you report in good faith what you perceive to be wrongdoing, violations of law, or unethical conduct, the foundation will take steps to protect you from retaliation.


If you are asked to assist the foundation with an internal investigation, your good-faith cooperation is required, and you will be protected from retaliation.


The Legal department, in coordination with the Executive Director, is responsible for implementing and enforcing this Policy. Exceptions may only be reviewed and granted by the Executive Director, or his/her alternate member of the foundation’s Executive Team.

Your compliance with this policy is a condition of your work with the foundation. Non-compliance may result in termination of your relationship with the foundation. If you have any questions regarding this code, please contact us.


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